
読んだ:Shifrinson, J. R. I. (2016). Deal or no deal? The end of the Cold War and the US offer to limit NATO expansion. International Security, 40(4), 7-44.

Shifrinson, J. R. I. (2016). Deal or no deal? The end of the Cold War and the US offer to limit NATO expansion. International Security, 40(4), 7-44. 原文:https://direct.mit.edu/isec/article-pdf/40/4/7/1843672/isec_a_00236.pdf また暇だった…

Mearsheimer, J. J. (2014). 読んだ:Why the Ukraine crisis is the West's fault: the liberal delusions that provoked Putin. Foreign Aff., 93, 77.

今日も読んだ。ミアシャイマー先生の有名なやつ。 Mearsheimer, J. J. (2014). Why the Ukraine crisis is the West's fault: the liberal delusions that provoked Putin. Foreign Aff., 93, 77. リンク:https://ius.bg.ac.rs/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/…

読んだ:Layne, C. (2018). The US–Chinese power shift and the end of the Pax Americana. International Affairs, 94(1), 89-111.

Layne, C. (2018). The US–Chinese power shift and the end of the Pax Americana. International Affairs, 94(1), 89-111. またまた仕事中暇だったので読んだ。 アメリカの一極覇権状態が終わりそう、という論文。コロナ前の分析なのでちょっと外れてる箇…

読んだ:Layne, C. (1994). Kant or Cant: The Myth of the Democratic Peace. International Security 19(2), 5-49.

Layne, C. (1994). Kant or cant: The myth of the democratic peace. International security, 19(2), 5-49. 著者:クリストファー・レイン - Wikipedia原文(pdf): https://web.stanford.edu/class/polisci243b/readings/v0002542.pdf 仕事中暇だったので…